The Lilongwe First Grade Magistrate’s Court has found witchdoctor Wingstone Mvula with a case to answer after he coaxed a widow into giving him cash amounting to K13, 822, 000.00, claiming he would resurrect her late husband.

The accused has since been granted bail, pending his defense on 21 January 2022.

But, prior to the bail on Friday– 14 January 2022–Magistrate Robert Botha said the evidence given by State Prosecutor Sub Inspector Vincent Ntalawe, proved elements that Mvula had obtained money, by false pretenses, from the victim (name withheld).

Mvula fleeced the lady out of the said cash between 21 October 2021 and 23 November 2021 at Zamkutu-By Pass in Lilongwe city.

At one point, he  demanded K7 million which he wanted to be handed during the night and over the tomb of the victim’s husband.

He advised her against bringing the cash herself but through her late husband’s nephews.

The nephews did as instructed and found Mvula at the grave while in the presence of a white clothed figure.

The witchdoctor told the nephews that the figure was their uncle whom he had risen from the dead.

He went on telling them that the uncle would find them home in the morning, urging them to welcome with him a great feast.

However, the said uncle and the husband to the victim didn’t come as promised by Mvula, forcing the victim to report to Lilongwe Police Station on 24 November 2021.

Police arrested Mvula and his accomplice, Patrick Chakalamba, for obtaining money by false pretenses.

Chakalamba was later acquitted by the court.

But, in his trial, Mvula denied any wrongdoing, prompting the state to parade five witnesses to prove its case.

Subsequently, Magistrate Botha found the accused with a case to answer, before releasing him on bail on a K100, 000 cash bail bond and K250, 000 non cash for sureties.

The case has been adjourned to 21 January 2022 for the accused to enter defense.

Mvula, 60, comes from Chiwato Village Traditional Authority Kaluluma in Kasungu District.

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