Few months, Daring Nollywood Actress Chioma Ifemeludike made an open confession that she had an affair with fiery Nigerian clergyman and that she was paid for it but since then, her life was never the same.

She received critics from all corners of her life, suffered from mental health after the scandal

” Life has been amazing since after the confession, even though the intense backlash kind of got to my mental health the first few days after it went viral, but because of being this person who looks to God and not man, I’ve always been really attached to God, ” she says.

After receiving a lot of backlash for her confession, Ifemeludike took a break from social media for a while but now she is back.

According to Ifemeludike, she does not regret what she did because she was paid off handsomely.

” I don’t have a single atom of regret. ” In fact, I’m in a fantastic mood. Since the day I made that confession, a lot of wonderful things have happened to me. It’s been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

So, why should I regret it? I did it for the sake of my God and humanity. It cost me a lot of money, but something new and good usually comes at a price. It’s always at a price, and it’s always a high price. Yes, I did it; I’m proud of it; I own it, and I have no regrets. “

Welcome back Ifemeludike!!!!!

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