Roger Federer has come up with a $3.3 million budget and hopes to put 54,000 children in school in Malawi in the next 10 years. Federer said, “As the father of two little girls, I observe every day how incredibly fast children learn if their environment is a stimulating one. It is a great privilege for me and my foundation to help give children in Malawi the chance to reach their full potential.”

The foundation’s prime objective is to build 80 community-based child care centers for three- to five-year-olds in the poverty ridden country, which will comprise of classrooms, play areas, supplies and food. Almost 50% of all children under the age of five in Malawi are said to be chronically malnourished, and nearly three million children under the age of eight have no school education. Half of the 13 million people living in Malawi, a village in southeast Africa, is said to be living below the poverty line.

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