Malawi Congress Party (MCP) spokesperson Maurice Munthali has said the mutual understanding between President Lazarus Chakwera and his vice Saulos Chilima remains intact despite squabbles and tensions among MCP and UTM supporters.

According to Munthali whatever is being insinuated on the relationship of Chakwera and Chilima are sentiments, utterances and reactions from followers who nurse their frustrated egocentric ambitions.

He continued that Chakwera and Chilima will never be influenced and or distracted by petty voices that aim at creating unnecessary animosity between them.

He said Malawi Congress Party is so confident that the Presidency in Chakwera and Chilima will diligently sustain their partnership for the greater good of the Malawi nation.

“The agreement between President Chakwera and his Vice Saulos Chilima should never be cause for any alarm to the Malawi nation unless other quarters have a political agenda that they want to advance other than the cordial political working relationship that we already are blessed with between our two leaders”. Munthali said.

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