Social Commentator on good governance Joshua Chisa Mbele has said he will not sit back and watch corruption taking the dignity of the country.

This is in reaction to a defamation lawsuit that has been filed against Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director General Martha Chizuma by Ashok Nair.

Writing on his Facebook page, Chisa Mbele said all sign are clear that the Tonse Alliance led government has failed to fight corruption.

He then asked Malawians to stand up and fight for their country saying now is the time to “reclaim the Soul of this Beautiful Country back to the people.”

“Malawi is a People’s Republic. It’s time we speak with one voice against Impunity and Corruption,” said Chisa Mbele.

According to Mbele what is being done to Chizuma is a well-orchestrated plot to get rid of her with an aim of shielding those involved in corruption shames.

“What is happening to Martha is a well-orchestrated plot to get rid of her so that Ashok Nair, Zunneth Sattar and greedy mice in our government can lay fat eggs,” said Chisa Mbele.

He continued; “This is the beginning of their end. We have spoken enough. Now is the time to stand up.”

“This is not Mneneri’s anger but multiparty & multidisciplinary language of unity to eradicate impunity and corruption wherever it exists,” said Chisa Mbele.

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