Veteran musician cum-pastor McDonald Mlaka Maliro has come out of his cocoon to defend his decision to resign as pastor at the Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) church of Prophet Shepherd Bushiri.

‘Kamandidusadusa’ hit maker announced his resignation last week, saying the decision was made to help him reunite with his family back home.

Over the weekend Malawians started sharing ‘Vinyo Watha’ song of Mlaka Maliro with many linking the song to his resignation.

Others even went further to claim that Mlaka Maliro was attacking Bushiri in the song hence resigning from ECG.

As this was not enough, others went further to make fun of him saying ‘Mlaka Maliro Simuzamuonanso akuuluka’.

But writing on his official faebook Mlaka Maliro trashed the claims, saying he still a pastor.

“After all has been said and done,Mlaka is a pastor and will remain a pastor serving one true God of Heaven, I’ve just stepped down from one organization “CHURCH,” wrote Mlaka.

ECG church is yet to comment on Mlaka Maliro’s decision.

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