A woman identified as Charlise Freeman has celebrated her son’s 16th birthday in style and with some astonishing gifts which would never be forgotten

She gifted him three houses that have been fully paid for and a cheque of $10,000 (approximately N4.1 million).

A video she posted on her Instagram page shows the heartwarming moment she handed her son,Taurean the documents for the house and the $10k cheque.

She wrote;
”These last 16 years have been full of ups and downs and dealing with issues that a lot ppl do not like to talk about. I have stood by his side through it all and never once gave up or let the streets or anybody steer him away from me.

During our many conversations he always says mom I want to get into real estate and be a chef. We applied to a business program and a chef program for him to do his junior year. He interviewed for both and was not chosen for either one and he was a hurt and thought it was because of a # of reasons but I just told him it would be ok we will go another route because MOMMY already had some things in the works but I couldn’t tell him what it was because I was saving it for the right moment….

His 16th birthday just happened to be that moment for him and was around the corner. When I presented him with those gifts it was to let him know and show him that no matter what doors don’t open for you if you continue to push forward the right one will open and mommy just happen to have the power to open the right one. All the hard work & dedication I put into working & making things happen for my kids I want to pay off for them. I want him to be able to pass things down. I better stop because I can’t stop crying I can go on and on…..this process is going to be fun because I get to work with my son on something that is really dear to him and see what ideas he has!”

Watch the lovely video HERE


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