Former President Peter Mutharika has come under heavy criticisms for meddling with the affairs of the National Assembly.

On Thursday, the social media was awash with reports that Mutharika has made changes to the sitting planning involving the opposition benches with leader of opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa being the main culprits.

In the new sitting plan Mutharika pushed Nankhumwa to seat number seven on the front benches of DPP while allocating seat number two, traditionally taken by the Leader of Opposition, to Mulanje South West legislator George Chaponda.

Speaking in an interview with the the press University of Malawi professor of law Garton Kamchedzera faulted the DPP leadership for interfering with parliamentary affairs which is governed by Standing Orders of the House.

He said the conflict was being fanned by Mutharika not being a member of Parliament.

Kamchedzera said: “The roles and responsibilities of Leader of Opposition are based on Parliamentary Standing Orders and the rules that regulate Parliament, so you cannot conflict the two.

“If they wanted Nankhumwa to act as their agent, they could have called him for a meeting as a party so that he understands what he has to do while in the House. But to write him and tell him what to do in the House is intrusive into the affairs of Parliament and borders on contempt of the House and its procedures.”

Meanwhile, Parliament is yet to act on the matter.

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