Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST)has suspended some of its students who took part in the demonstrations against the University’s decision to halt them from writing examinations due to outstanding school fees balances.

Last month MUST students protested expressing their grievances after the authorities announced that students who have not completed their fees will not be allowed to sit for examinations.

The reaction by the students forced the management to temporarily close the school and sent all the students home while communicating that they will call them in due course.

MUST is scheduled to reopen on March 28, 2022, however, some students will not be allowed at the campus since they have suspended.

James Mphande Spokesperson for MUST has confirmed the suspension of some students.

Mphande said that the decision has been arrived at after the students appeared at a disciplinary committee on various offences.

According to Mphande, the students are at liberty to appeal against the decision taken as mandated by rules and regulations of the institution.

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