little-suns_DSC9776med-300x200The Little Sun solar lights donated to the school in Malawi have been put to great use since they arrived. Trustees Steve and Stefanie saw them in action during their recent trip to Malawi, as the Standard 8 children, who are around 14 years old, used the Little Sun lights in revision classes for their recent final year exams.

Between January and April the children in the final year are encouraged to revise and offered boarding facilities in one of the school’s classrooms so that they can study better. When the children go home it is often hard to avoid helping on the farm or looking after younger siblings, so the option to board at school ensures that they can focus on their studies.

Solar power has come down in price and has become more efficient recently, and it’s being widely used in Malawi in places where mains electricity is not available or not affordable. Solar power, combined with the recent arrival of 3G mobile internet, is making a real difference to businesses and individuals who can afford it, though it’s still beyond the reach of most Malawians living in rural areas.

Our thanks go out to Little Sun for donating the lights, you can buy yours online here. By buying a Little Sun at a regular price in areas of the world with electricity you will help make it available in off-grid communities at much lower prices.