Police in Mangochi District are keeping in Custody a 28-year-old Mozambican national only identified as Amerigoh Bazilio Thomas for being suspected that he had broken into different houses and stolen assorted items.

According to Mangochi Police Spokesperson, Sub-inspector Amina Tepani Daudi, the police have since recovered the stolen items worth K1.2 million.

Daudi said it is suspected that Thomas on the night of March 15 and 19 2022, broke into two houses at M’baluku location and went away with the assorted property including a solar panel, two speakers, an amplifier, subwoofer, fun and K45, 000 cash when the owners were in deep sleep

She further said the police also found 30 new motor vehicle lenses in a sack bag hidden under the bed of Thomas.

The suspect will appear in court soon to answer charges of burglary and theft, which is contrary to sections 309 and 278 of the Penal Code, according to Daudi.

Thomas hails from Maganga Village, Mandimba District of Niassa Province in Mozambique.

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