People living in Northern Afghanstan are struggling to find food after  the Taliban took over and about 60%  of female journalists have lost their job.

According to a 24 year old former radio presenter in Afghanstan, Farhanaz said, it is very difficult to survive especially children when they ask for food, sometimes they eat bread only or vegetables.

“My younger sister was recovering from surgery when the Taliban took control and lives were overturned. She has lost so much weight, and falls sick when there isn’t enough to eat,” Farhanaz said. But the family cannot afford medical assistance, either.

“In better days, I was a radio presenter, and also worked as a teacher part-time. Between my brother, who worked in the Afghan security forces, and I, we were able to feed and care for eight members of our family,” she said. “I even supported my own education and paid for my university, while helping my family,” she continued.

Farhanaz’s family is one of the 23 million Afghanstans who are facing starvation in the Afghanstan in which it is called the starvation crisis.


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