Kenya: Police officer in Taita Taveta County have launched an investigation into a shocking incident where viagra was found in the church’s drinking water.

According to sources, the 17 members (all male) between the age of 15 — 50 who attended a morning church service started exhibiting weird behavior moments after drinking the water which is stored in a water tank that is outside the church.

“While the pastor was preaching, one of the men started caressing a female member saying it was h*t and he wanted to get down in the washrooms, ” a member narrated.

“At first, we thought he was sick and running mad when the others started the same forcing the pastor to suspend the summon,’ he added.

The 17 members were rushed to a nearby dispensary where it was reported that their blood samples had traces of s3xual pills.

Elvis Mdindi 39, said he started having weird feelings in his body after drinking the water.

It was also reported that Tracey Fadhili who lives near the church was seen on Saturday evening at the church compound.

According to the report, she is the prime suspect and she is on the run.

A manhunt has been launched by the authorities to bring her into custody.

Updates coming in later.

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