Former Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) Jesus Nation church national pastor for Swaziland, McDonald Mlaka Maliro has denied allegations that his newly released song titled Vinyo watha is targeted at ECG founder Pastor Shepherd Bushiri.

It is after Maliro resigned from his position that he penned the song Vinyo watha whose literal translation to English means ‘the wine is finished’.

Since the song’s release, the Malawian public has been speculating about the message and who it was intended for, with others saying it was aimed at Tonse, while others said it was aimed at Bushiri, with whom he had parted ways.

However, in an interview with the local press, Maliro put paid to the speculation, saying he is simply spreading the word of God from the book of John chapter two verses one to twelve.

Maliro explained that the message is extracted from the bible story that took place in Cana, where there was a wedding feast and Jesus was one of the guests, turning water into wine after the wine had finished.

“When Jesus turned water into wine, the first person to taste the new wine was the governor representing a politician, so there are three groups of people, the citizens were invited, Jesus was invited representing the Church. So when someone says I am targeting one church that is a lie because ECG is not the only church that prophesies and performs miracles. What I am preaching about happens in many churches. I am a pastor. I know what I am talking about and I have also faced the same things which I am singing about,” Maliro said.

He lamented the speculations saying they are meant to create a feud between him and Bushiri while reducing the value of the song. He then urged people to read their bibles.

“If somebody is offended it means he is a suspect. I just sang that song as a musician. That is my style of singing. I just take stories from the bible and interpret the way the holy spirit leads. As a preacher, a man of God, and a musician, the word of God inspired me and God told me to sing it that way,” Maliro said.

Maliro added that there is no bickering between him and Bushiri because he resigned peacefully to be with his family.

After learning about the rumors concerning Maliro and Bushiri, Bushiri, through his spokesperson, Ephraim Nyondo, appraised Maliro for being a great leader while serving in the ECG church.

Bushiri said that Maliro decided to step down after his spouse was called before ECG Directors in Lilongwe for disciplinary action.

“In this vein, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri wishes Pastor Mlaka (Maliro) well and he is confidently resolute that wherever Pastor Mlaka (Maliro) goes, he will always achieve greatness,” reads part of the statement.

Bushiri commended the Vinyo watha song which he said was great and that he loved it. He called on people to respect Maliro’s motives as he gets inspiration from many things.

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