The Office of the Ombudsman has finally challenged an injunction obtained by the Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA) on the recruitment of the body’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Henry Kachaje at the Supreme Court.

Ombudsman Grace Malera has confirmed of the development in an interview with the press.

“We processed all the documents with the court and we are expecting that this week or the next, the appeal should be formally served to the Malawi Supreme Court of Appeal,” Malera was quoted in one of the local daily papers.

The previous MERA board obtained the injunction on November 10 2021 that restrained the Ombudsman’s office from releasing the investigative report that nullified Kachaje’s appointment as the regulatory body’s chief executive officer.

The High Court of Malawi sitting in Lilongwe on December 27 2021 dismissed the Ombudsman’s application to have the injunction removed.

Kachaje’s appointment saga led to the resignation of MERA boards following criticisms from the general public.

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