Research has shown that having one t3sticle that is slightly larger than the other is completely normal.

This is very common and most times, the right t3sticle is often larger than the left though they often have same shape in healthy scenarios or cases, but there are some situations whereby the difference in size is so obvious that it causes a man to be worried or you start feeling some other symptoms.

In this article, in line with a publication on Healthline, we are going to have a look at what it means for a man’s t3sticle to be bigger than the other one significantly.

Just sit tight and enjoy this article while learning something new.

What Does It Mean For A Man’s T3sticle to Be Bigger Than The Other Significantly?

1. Hydrocele – this is one of the factors that can cause one t3sticle to be significantly larger than the second one.

Hydrocele is a health condition that arises when there is fluid buildup around one of the testicles as a man grows older, though in some cases it can be due to inflammation that requires treatment.

2. Varicocele – this is a health condition that arises when there is enlargement of the veins within the scrotum.

Most times the veins connected to the left ball may get swollen causing the ball to shrink after some years and making it seem very small and differently sized from the second one.

This is unhealthy as it’s referred to as testicular atrophy and can cause infertility or lower sperm quality along the line.

3. Epididymitis – this is an inflammation of the epididymis and it is usually caused by an infection such as Chlamydia.

So if you notice alongside the differently sized t3sticles, belly pain and burning sensation when urinating, do well to see a doctor to find ways to get rid of the infection.

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