A six-year-old girl has drowned in a swimming pool at Capital Kids near Gateway Mall in Lilongwe on April 18, 2022.

She has been identified as Nicole Banda.

On this fateful day at around 10:00 hours, Nicole in the company of her sibling and their father went to the said place to relax themselves.

After some minutes of their relaxation, the father who is a Business Development Manager at World Vision Malawi, left for shoprite to buy drinks.

On his departure, he informed one of the workers at the place to monitor the kids since they were still playing.

However, upon return from shoprite, the father was surprised to notice that one kid was nowhere to be seen.

After the search, she was found in a helpless state
and was rushed to ABC clinic where she was pronounced dead upon arrival.

Nicole Banda, hailed from Mbuluma Village, Traditional Authority Kanyenda in Nkhota-kota District.

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