ZIMBABWE – Unidentified man has landed in trouble after sneaking into hospital ward to have se.x with his sick wife The Masvingo Provincial Hospital around 3am..

Reports indicate that the man during the evening insisted that he will sleep in the women ward to guard his wife a decision which angered nurses since it is a female ward.

The man managed to impress the nurses and had se.x with his wife in the presence of 10 other females patients.

It was the noise which was coming from the horny couple which sparked an outrage in the ward as other patients were being disturbed.

They reported the matter to the nurses who summoned the security guard to chase the man.

The Medical Director of the hospital, Amadeus Shamu, confirmed the incident to iHarare and said that the hospital has since instituted investigations

The investigation also revealed that the wife had told the nurses that her husband was abusive and she might be beaten if she refused to accept his cexual overtures.

“I could not refuse to have sex with him because I could have been beaten in the presence of patients because he is very violent,” the woman told the nurses.

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