Research has found that men hold more positive attitudes towards their female ex-partners than women do towards their male ex-partners.

This has been revealed in research done under the research document: Sexual Strategies Theory: An evolutionary perspective on human mating.

Gender-related factors determine ex-partner attitudes, thereby determining how a given sex looks back on their past relationships after a breakup.

Research has revealed that women have stronger feelings of attachment or love to an ex-partner than men do and are said to more connected to a past relationship.

Also, it is true, men and women cope differently with a relationship breakup. Women require more emotional support than men after a breakup.

Again, men tend to stay in touch more with exes than women do. They tend to keep in touch, instead of breaking all ties with their former partners.

This could be because women have “invested” in their relationships more than men, this means they placed more important emotional capital (e.g., shared friends, joint possessions, joint children) into the relationship and are thus interdependent for an extended time into the future.

If women have experienced an abusive relationship, this may undermine their trust in future partners or relationships and sometimes even in the opposite s*x in general.

This will inevitably shape their outlook to their exes.

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