Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, Minister of health says authorities are identifying the contractors that will work on the constructing health posts totaling to 900 across the country.

According to Chaponda, the health posts will help the country to achieve the 2030 Universal Coverage despite inadequate infrastructure in the nation.

“Inadequate infrastructure remains crucial to an improved health service delivery in the country, it is against this background that government intends to construct 900 health posts across the country which will come with two staff houses at each facility,” she said.

The Minister added that the process of identifying the contractors for the project is at appropriate stage

Speaking on the matter Maziko Matemba, Community health ambassador says he has hopes that the development of health strategies by the ministry of health will improved health service in the nation.

“Communities continue to walk long distances to access health services. We need to address such challenges so as the accessibility of such service must not be a burden to our citizens,” said Matemba.

The construction of the health posts will help in reducing the congestion of patients in the Health centres and Dispensaries in the rural community facilities

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