The family of late former President Bingu wa Mutharika has expressed delight with government’s decision to take over the care of his Mpumulo wa Bata Mausoleum at Ndata Farm in Thyolo.

Speaking at the Memorial service of late first Malawi president Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda’s Mausoleum on Saturday, Chakwera asked Minister of Culture and Tourism to discuss with Bingu’s family for government to take over the care of the Mausoleum.

The President said all former Presidents in Malawi deserve an honour hence calling for Bingu’s mausoleum takeover.

Reacting to the news representative of the Mutharika family, Arthur Masamba hailed the move by government.

He said the family was struggling to care for the late President’s resting place.

Bingu wa Mutharika died of cardiac arrest in 2012 while serving as Malawi’s President.

His death saw Joyce Banda ascending to the High Office.

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