Ever taken time to ponder over the fact that deaths are very common during the morning hours of 3am to 4am. Are you even aware of the fact that most deaths occur between this two hours?

All statistics have revealed that most people that die in hospitals and even in accidents die between this strategic hours of 3am to 4am. There must be something very special about this particular hours that has to be unraveled inorder to uncover the hidden mystery of this particular watch of the night.

This article is a detailed research on the hidden mystery of this hour of the night and to give you both the scientific and religious explanations that surrounds this particular watches of the night.

You must have realized that even the most religious people take advantage of this time. Even witches and wizards who do both black and white magic are always on high alert between this hours of the night to do their religious incantations and pay allegiance to Spirits.

Even Christians who pray often take advantage of this hours. When you read the bible also. You will realize that even Christ would take advantage of this time and spend in deep and intense kind of prayers.

In an effort to try and answer this question, science has told us that the reason why deaths occur is because the body is at its weakest point between 3am and 4am. Since the body immunity is at its weakest point between this hours, it’s easy for a person to die especially when they are sick.

According to a research from Havard University, the reason why the body is weak is because the entire system of the body is in undergoing some rebooting kind of process where the brain is disposing some information of the day to prepare to load more as the other day begins.

During this entire rebooting process, anti inflammatory hormone and adrenaline are at their lowest. Involuntary mascular contractions (spasms) are very high at this point of the night and any person whose immunity is not strong can easily die.

Religious people also believe that this is a very strategic hour of the night and that is why most of them will try to be awake at this time inorder to pray. Remember when Jesus died as recorded in scriptures, it was 3pm and darkness suddenly covered the land and that was when many people realized that he was actually not an ordinary person. Many religious scholars believe that the 3pm was translated into the 3am of the morning when Jesus went to hell.

It was a period when Jesus Christ was transiting from the physical world into the spiritual world and that is what made that particular watch of the night very strategic. Many of them believe that at this time, the spirit world and the physical world are almost one and sometimes the activities of the spiritual world may over ride those of the physical world. Witches and religious manipulators take advantage because it becomes easy for them to interact with spirits and manipulate things in the physical.

At this time, a person can easily move from the physical world to the spirit world with or without their will and people can easily die at this time of the night because the Spirit world is strongest in this hours. Most Rituals are done in this hour of the night.

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