Opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has described the national address by President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera on Tuesday night as empty.

In his address on Tuesday night, Chakwera introduced a number of austerity measures aimed at controlling the use of funds in government which include control of movements for government officials and a reduction of fuel for ministers by 20 percent.

He also said all contracts in government and MDAs should not be renewed upon expiry and no new contracts should be awarded unless advised by his office.

The purchase of vehicles in government departments is also put on hold.

Reacting to Chakwera’s address DPP through its National Organizing Secretary Chimwemwe Chipungu blasted the address.

“The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) alongside all suffering Malawians from Nsanje to Chitipa, awaited with abated breath and pregnant expectations at the announcement of the Address by President Chakwera that it will provide answers and concrete solutions to the suffering Malawians have been subjected to under the Tonse Alliance Administration.

“Sadly and as is always the case, the President’s Address failed to live up to its billing and expectations as it was indifferent, empty and provided no solace to the misery and suffering of Malawians. The President is completely detached from the suffering of Malawians and is not bothered to appreciate and provide solutions to the plight of the people of this country,” said Chipungu.

Government is yet to comment on the matter.

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