In Malawi, there are less than 300 dental therapists providing care for a population of 15 million. Please donate:
dental project

We’re a team of volunteers undertaking a trip to Malawi on behalf of Dentaid. We will be taking part in a National Dental Skills Transfer Workshop and helping to install a Dentaid surgery in a hospital in Zomba. @dental_project.
We have 5 main objectives that we hope to achieve during our July visit:

1. Impart knowledge and skills, particularly through user-training that will enable us to improve practical performance of the dental staff.
2. Provide donated equipment that will leave a lasting and positive impact upon the oral health and education of the community.
3. Repair existing equipment, enabling more patients than ever before to be provided with dental procedures.
4. Further open up a dialogue between the UK and Malawian team, exploring more areas that require assistance.
5. Assist in improving the status and importance of oral health care amongst the Malawian community.
Our Team:

John Rice- Dental engineer from Henry Schein
James Goolnik -Dentist
Sandra Martin -Dentist
…See more
General information
In Malawi, there are less than 300 dental therapists providing care for a population of 15 million, and less than 15 dentists including expatriates. Over 80% of dental work is extraction, yet impact on the population is minimal due to shortage of personnel and resources. The services only benefit the urban/suburban masses that, according to statistics, represent only 15% of our population. The rural masses (85%) suffer silently for lack of our dental services.

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