INSTEAD of romantically disciplining his wife of three years on their matrimonial bed, a young man of Kalomo district in Southern Province has been wasting time to beat her up.

On top of that bad impression, young Richman Bela 23, of Mapala village in Kalomo, has failed to impregnate a willing Prinet Muchimba, 20.

According to Voice of Kalomo radio, the two married in 2019 and, according to Prinet, her husband has been erecting his bicep muscles to beat her up, instead of erecting his other muscle and probably make her a first-time mother.

Frustrated at being a wife to a jealous man who just makes you sweat for nothing in between bed sheets or under a heavy duvet, Prinet left her matrimonial home.

She complained that Richman was actually poor at bedroom work and that he often beat her up, under the suspicion that she was seeing another man – probably more talented at sexual Olympics.

The matter of this quarreling couple found itself inside the Kalomo urban local court where it was heard that the duo had a sweet marriage until 2021, when Prinet went to her parents’ house and refused to go back to her home of blank missiles.

Richman told the court that he tried all he could to take Prinet back home but that his attempts were as blank as his home misfortune.

For Prinet, she told the court that she does not want a man who will be throwing punches at her and making her body swell – instead of penetrating into her to have that feeling that beats the taste of icing sugar.

Prinet does not hide her desire of going into the labour ward – not as a visitor but as a client.

But she believes that poor Richman is not that kind of a man who can send her to the labour ward, given that he has failed to score in a yawning goal post, for more than 20 months now.

After hearing from both parties, Kalomo urban local court magistrate Manjari Syanvundu granted divorce to the young couple.

Magistrate Syanvundu advised Richman’s parents to help their misfiring son to find medical aid that will make him potent and a lethal erotic striker.

The court further ordered Richman and Prinet to equally share their humble property, mainly just their wedding gifts received at their 2019 ‘till God do us part’ union.

Maybe all the two youngsters needed is a male/female sexual coach who has seen many goal-posts/erect muscles, respectively.



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