A 24 year old man identified as Ongani Banda who went missing in Mbayani Township has been found In ILALA ship on his way to Likoma Island.

Ongani who works with Build Africa in Blantyre is reported to have gone missing on June 2, 2022.

A relative to the missing man, Geoffrey Mphangamo has confirmed of the development.

According to Mphangamo, Ongani was found on Friday last week.

“Through prayers of brethrens and coordinated search that took place since yesterday and today on WhatsApp statuses, groups and also Facebook pages (Special thanks to Gerald Chavez Kampakaniza), Ongani has been found on ILALA ship on his way to Likoma Island by a Police Officer, an effort coordinated with Monkey Bay Police. The Officer convinced Ongani to return home.

“He off boarded at Senga Bay, Salima. communications and efforts are been done to have him home. For now we don’t have many answers of Whys and Hows but we rejoice that Ongani has been found,” said Mphangamo.

He added: “Special thanks also goes to Wenera Police, Ndilande Police and Chapiman Police unit.”

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