Viral footage has captured shocking moments a groom angrily hit his bride in the head at their wedding.

The incident, which has generated public outcry, reportedly occurred at their wedding party in Uzbekistan.

In the video, the newly-wedded couple was spotted engaging in a game to the amusement of their families and several guests present.

The bride, who donned a sparkly gown exuded much energy and zeal in her bid to finish first and impress her guests.

Upon completion of the task, she raised one arm to alert the person in charge while a woman believed to be her maid of honour clapped and cheered her on.

However, the groom who felt his ego had been bruised violently raised his hand and hit his wife to the shock of all present.

Without showing any remorse while he maintained a stern face, his bride walked off the stage.

Netizens who have sighted the video have condemned the groom’s act amid demands for justice for the bride.

Watch the video below:

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