Mukami has Painfully narrated how her husband who was violent one day kicked her out of their house. He took advantage of her daughter enticed her with some money and slept with her. He also went ahead and gave her family planning tablets that mukami had left in her bedroom

Mukami met her husband while working as a house help. She got married with her firstborn daughter who was 5 years old. According to her the husband accepted her with her daughter. She later gave birth to two daughters while in the marriage.

Her husband was not good since he was a drunkard who would beat her up and kick her out at night. He was also a womanizer as he would bring women in their matrimonial house and sleep with them when mukami was not around.

One day he came home drunk and beat her up. He went ahead and kicked her out, she went to her sister’s house who was living a few kilometers away. After 2 days she went back to her house. She went to her bedroom. When she opened the drawer where she was keeping her staffs she found out that her family planning tablets had been used.

She asked her daughter whether her husband had brought a woman in the house but they said no. She asked them if everything was ok when she was away. They said they were ok but the young one told her that their father told them to go to sleep with her second born sister and left the firstborn daughter watching TV with their dad.

Mukami called her daughter and asked her what had happened but she didn’t open up, she started crying. Mukami took her to her sister and asked her what had happened that is when she opened up and told her that her dad told her to prepare bathing water for him. After he finished bathing he came and held her told her that he love her so much

He told her he will provide everything she wanted, he carried her to their bedroom and slept with her. He also went ahead and gave her the family planning tablets. Mukami reported to the nearby police station, he was arrested. Her daughter was taken to hospital and it was confirmed that he had slept with her.

Since his family was well up they paid the money and he was released. Mukami took her kids and rented a house, she do manual jobs to raise her kids.

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