Creative Centre for Community Mobilization (CRECCOM) through its Girls Get Equal (Nzotheka) project funded by Norad through Plan International Malawi conducted training of trainers on student leaders today with 10 head teachers from 10 primary schools under  NKhulambe Zone in Phalombe district. The training was done at Nkhulambe Teacher’s Development Centre (TDC) in Phalombe district.

CRECCOM Program Officer, Emmie Mwaipopo said that the training has been done in an effort to build capacity of student leaders with skills that will enable them to voice out and fully participate in governance and participation in their respective schools.

“The head teachers were trained as facilitators of the students’ leaders capacity building training and have been equipped with skills on how to train student leaders on governance and participation.”, said Mwaipopo.

Mwaipopo said that the objectives of the training were to orient participants on governance and participation and the participants to develop action plans.

The head teacher for NKhulambe primary school, Precious Seure, said that the training has come at the right time when students are failing to voice out challenges they encounter at school.

“This will help students to be voicing out different forms of challenges they face at school from their fellow students and even teachers as well,” said Seure

Seure will also help to resolve different types of conflict that arises among them.

During the training, headteachers from Phweremwe, Chidalale, Likanani, Chitokolo, Namatapa, Tharu, Nakhwikwi, Muloza, Nanyowe,  Nkhulambe and Makhawani primary schools were in attendance.

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