The rise in fuel effected as announced by Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA) has caused minibuses using Nkando-midima road via Mulanje not to operate as they used to in the past.

In the early hours of today, the reporter of the story had to wait for over 1 hour at Nkando stage to board a minibus.

Instead the reporter decided to ride a motorcycle.

On the spot-check, the reporter travelled from Nkando to Nguludi turn-off without meeting any minibus from Mulanje to Blantyre.

The fuel hike has also seen a rise in minibus fares. For instance from Nkando to Limbe, people are now paying K2000 from K1000,

People travelling from Chitakale are now paying K3000 from K2000 while Mulanje Boarder to Blantyre are travelling at a fee of K5000 from the price of K3500.

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