Mzimba, June 27: Police have arrested two Indians and three others for stealing assorted items belonging to businesswoman, Nozyochi Tchuwa, during the night of June 6, 2022 at Uzyazini Village in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Mzukuzuku in Mzimba District.

Spokesperson for Jenda Police Station, Alfred Lucio, identified the suspects as Yokubu Maliki, 45 and Haron Patel, 43, both of Indian origin, Moses Malinga, 34 and a 31-year-old Juman Mwawa.

He said Tchuwa reported the matter to Jenda Police Station that unknown criminals had stolen her four plasma television screens, one welding machine, two bluetooth speakers, two blankets, one bicycle, dinner sets, and cellphones all valued at K4.5 million.

“Through intelligence driven exercise, we managed to arrest Phiri in Lilongwe and the other four were arrested in Kasungu where they used to sell stolen property,” said Lucio.

He further said that the police managed to recover most of the stolen items.

According to Lucio, Phiri told the police that they had committed more than burglary and theft offences within Jenda area.

The suspects will appear before court soon to answer charges of burglary and theft and breaking into a building and committing felony there in. The offences are contrary to Section 309 of the Penal and Section 311 of Penal Code respectively.

Phiri hails from Tenthema Village in the area of TA Mzukuzuku in Mzimba District, Malinga hails from Gundani Village whilst Mwawa is from Kaomba Village both in TA Kaomba in Kasungu District.

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