Malawi’s State House has said currently President Lazarus Chakwera is focusing on laws that are affecting Malawians directly.

President Chakwera’s spokesperson Anthony Kasunda said this when answering on when is the president is intending to trim his powers as he promised during the campaigned period ahead of June 23, 202o fresh residential elections.

Recently, vice president Saulos Chilima also called for a review of Section 91(2) of the supreme laws which provide immunity to the sitting head of state.

According to Chilima, the sitting president should e ale to be prosecuted for criminal charges while in office as the only way of fighting corruption.

On this again, Kasunda said Chakwera is focusing on improving the lives of common Malawians.

“Panopa a-President ali ndi chidwi kukonza malamulo okhudza aMalawi Kaye” said Kasunda.

Kasunda then appealed for patience saying at the right time, Chakwera will address the nation on issues affecting his office.

Prior to June 23, 2020 fresh president elections, Chakwera made it clear that his government will remove immunity on the sitting president to pave way for corruption investigations involving the sitting head of state.

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