A 24-year-old man, Sinodeni Likalawe has been convicted and sentenced to 18 years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling and impregnating his 14-year-old stepdaughter.

The Chiradzulu Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court convicted and sentenced Likalawe on Monday, July 4, 2022.

State prosecutor Inspector Spenard Chamkoma narrated in court that in October 2021, the suspect defiled his step daughter in the garden and threatened to kill her if she reveals the ordeal.

Chamkoma further told the court that Likalawe bought a shoe for his step daughter and demanded sex in return.

It is when during the mentioned month Likalawe grabbed the victim to the garden and defiled her.

In March this year, well- wishers informed the mother of the victim that her daughter is pregnant.

This made the mother of the victim to take the child to hospital where she was tested positive for the pregnancy.

She inquisitively asked her what really happened where she narrated the ordeal to her mother.

Later, she reported the matter to Thumbwe Police Unit.

The suspect ran away after hearing that the matter has been reported to police.

It is in June this year Sinodeni Likalawe was arrested by the general public and handed him to Police.

Appearing before court, the suspect pleaded not guilty to the charge of defilement which prompted the state to parade three witnesses who proved the case beyond reasonable doubts.

In submission, the state prayed for a stiffer punishment, saying being the father it was his responsibility to take good care of the victim, but instead he chose to defile the girl.

Passing sentence, Senior Resident Magistrate Mmanga concurred with the state and sentenced him to 18 years jail term to deter other would-be offenders.

Likalawe comes from Nangwiya Village, Traditional Authority Kadewere in Chiradzulu District.

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