Councillor for the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Leonard Chimbanga has criticized President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera over his U-turn on his to trim Presidential powers during the campaign trail.

On Monday Chakwera through State House Press Officer Anthony Kasunda changed tune on his pre-election campaign promise to trim presidential powers, saying he will instead focus on reviewing archaic laws such as sedition.

Responding to a question on when the President will fulfil his campaign pledge of trimming some of the presidential powers, Kasunda said the focus now is on reviewing archaic laws.

“The President is concentrating on making changes to the legislation on laws that affect Malawians directly.

“You have seen the Chakwera administration bringing to Parliament land laws and very soon will be laws to do with sedition. This is one area that the media has been crying for a long time that these laws should be reviewed,” said Kasunda.

But this did not please Chimbanga who described President Chakwera as professional liar.

“One of the reasons people woke up that morning to cast a vote for you was because they took your promises seriously. They trusted you I did not, I knew you only wanted to get in. As a man of God, how do you sleep at night knowing you deceived millions of people?

“A promise is a credit. You have to trim your powers you have to honour whatever you agreed with your alliance partners. Don’t be a crook. You are turning out to be the worst President Malawi has ever had,” said Chimbanga.

He added: “You are running our country to the ground. Don’t destroy your legacy. Repent Your Excellency.”

Chakwera had pledged to dispense with three presidential powers, appointment the Anti-Corruption Bureau director and to ring-fence funding to Parliament.

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