Lawyer Ralph  Kasambala is reported to have obtained a court order vacating the injunction stopping the demonstrations.


Peace is reported in Blantyre as lawyers are reported to be at the High Court to vacate the injunction. People are singing the song  “achoke, achoke” flying the old Malawi Flag.  Lawyer Ralph Kasambala is now reported to have obtained a vacation order from the court.



Police is everywhere on the streets. Demonstrators are scattered everywhere.



Heavy Police presence reported but  no march yet  has taken place.



Heavy Police presence reported but no march yet has taken place



Reports continue to indicate that some organizers are at the High Court to vacate the Injunction. There is havoc near the Community Centre Ground next to Mema Studio where a female journalist has been beaten by the Police and taken to the hospital.  The situation is reported to be very precarious with tear gas. Angry protesters have broken into a shop at Biwi a town within Lilongwe belonging to a DPP, MP.



Students from the University have marched to the start point. Students are waiting for the vacation order to resume the march. This are normal in Zomba with most of the Police back to their station.



Now peace is reported in Mzuzu. The demonstrators have assembled at the DPP office. The people are throwing stones to the police and want to break the DPP office.



Zodiac Radio reports that things are getting ready at State House. People are getting seated in round tables. Over 1,000 people are reported to be seated. The resource persons and the President will be seated on the long side of the MacKay tent. As at 9.26am the president is not yet in the tent. Hon Goodall Gondwe, Hon Kandodo, Hon Chaponda, Mr. Allan Mtata, Dr Naomi Ngwira, Mr. Wilson Chikalimba and Mr. Ian Bonongwe will constitute the panelists.  Some of the topics to be covered are National Independence, Economic Sovereignty.



There is tight police security in Salima

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