With keen interest ,I have been following howthe Peoples Party is standing against it’s strong contenders and came up with the conclusion that PP isn’t that stronger against DPP and UDF independently rather enjoying the fruits of incumbency at present.
As a matter of fact, the strength of a Party canbe valued when it’s in the opposition benches. Based on the recent public rallies thePeoples Party conducted and the assessment done in several areas where the ruling party has been using the freely available government resources. It has been observed that the clouds that the state president with her ruling PP a mass is equivalent to that of Atupele Muluzi of UDF and Peter Muthalika of DPP whistle stops.
The Peoples Party nakedness has just been hidden with them being in government otherwise by today that party could have gone already as it has been with their key players such as Brown Mpinganjira of NDA, Uladi Mussa of MPP, Enock Chihana of AFORD , Ralph Kasambala of CODE not forgetting Kamlepo Kalua of “ndilowa mchire” fame. The exodus of MPs and party followers from their respective parties to the ruling PP hardly something to do with strengthening the partyor working with the government rather to join the bandwagon partying on tax payer’s money.
To sum up, if the opposition parties a mass a cloud equal to that of the ruling president thistells a story. In short, the ruling Peoples Party isn’t that strong to outclass the opposition UDF and DPP.-Magede Si Wandale.

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