Information reaching this publication indicates that Kamwe Health Centre in Mzimba North Constituency has been closed due to water challenges.

The health centre serves wide population of Kamwe, Vongo, Kasuma, Khuyu, Elunyeni, Kalama and Kategha.

The closure means the said people had to travel over 40 kilometers to access health services at Rumphi District Hospital.

Speaking in an interview with the press, one of the community members told this publication that community members around the health facility previously used to draw water from nearby boreholes but the situation went out of hand days ago resulting to the closure of the health facility.

According information at hand, the community members reached out to Member of Parliament for the Constituency Yeremiah Chihana but to no avail.

Meanwhile, some concerned community members are mobilizing resources to purchase a Water Pump for the facility.

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