Prophet Shepherd Bushiri of Enlightened Christian Gathering Church (ECG) is scheduled to hold a stakeholders meeting in Blantyre this coming Friday where he want to sell the Goshen City vision to the corporate world.

This has been confirmed in a statement released Tuesday through ECG Publication Officer Ephraim Nyondo’s facebook page.

According to the statement, Bushiri said the meeting aims at achieving several objectives and chief among them is selling the vision of project to different sectors of the society including the corporate world.

“We want to explain to various stakeholders what Goshen City is all about, the business opportunities involved and also seek partnerships with other companies and institutions,” Bushiri was quoted as saying in the statement.

He added that the meeting also seeks to court for more support from government and the private sector.

Over 70 companies and institutions will be part of the meeting.

Meanwhile, Bushiri through Goshen City project has already partnered with TNM and NBS Bank.

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