Fatima finds herself on the Eviction chopping block for the first time in her stay in the Big Brother House.
But instead of taking it personally; the Malawian has chosen to take the mature road and recognise that it’s all just part of the game. “I have no hard feelings towards anyone. Just like people walked in and Nominated me; I walked in and Nominated too,” she rationalised to Feza.
The two Ruby ladies spent the evening having a girl’s chat in the bathroom; where Fatima had nothing but good things to say about her stay in the House. “If I do go home on Sunday I am glad that I got to meet the people I met it has been a life changing experience,” she mused.
At the end of the conversation she concluded with, “Nobody is perfect. Now it is up to Africa.” No truer words have ever been spoken Fatima. As it is now all up to The Chase viewers to let their fingers do the talking and get to voting to keep their favourite Housemate in the House.

Angelo, Bimp, Cleo, Fatima, Hakeem, Nando, Pokello are up for possible Eviction this week. Vote now to keep FATIMA in the game.

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