Limbe Senior Resident Magistrate Byson Masonga yesterday convicted and sentenced Isaac Mpinga, 25, and Precious Kalamula, 20, each to three years imprisonment with hard labour for kidnapping a 14-year-old boy of Indian origin.

State prosecutor Ernest Mangwena told the court that the convicts, together with other accomplices on June 30 2022, while armed with panga knives, attacked the victim near Y.A. Bhana building in Limbe and later took him to a nearby bush before calling his father demanding a ransom of K6 million.

Mangwena told the court that after negotiations, K1 Million was sent to them before the boy was dumped at Makhetha in Machinjiri Township.

The convicts were later apprehended by Limbe Police Station officers on July 7 2022 and charged with Kidnapping. They appeared in court where they pleaded guilty.

Mpinga hails from Mphwere Village Traditional Authority (T/A) Nkalo in Chiradzulu while Kalamula comes from Kapasule Village, T/A Sawali in Balaka.

Source; Nation Online

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