Maybe to get the answers on how on this earth? What on this earth, why was he doing what he was doing? If we can read the comments below, there is a comment that has tried to shed a light, they say “Muslims clean themselves in this way after they have relieved themselves in the toilet.

It is just that I don’t understand why this guy would use the tap where we are using to wash our hands to clean his back. Even if they clean themselves this way culturally, then they should use the water that is in the chamber of the toilet.

Isn’t it that after flushing the chamber, clean water will come in. Why didn’t they use that one instead of using the water where we are all using. Some people gets to the toilet just to drink that water. This is very inconsiderate, they cannot practice their culture or religion without considering other people that are not Muslims. So I still find this immoral and unreasonable.

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