A 41-year-old man of Nakonde who is also a ZESCO employee has died after a marital dispute with his 26-year-old wife.

The two are who got married in 2016 are believed to have only enjoyed one year of a peaceful marriage, as after that they have been having altercations.

Alice Nakaonga has since been arrested for the alleged murder of Wesley Bwalya who is believed to have suffered head injuries after allegedly being hit with a stick.

Zambia Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said police received a report of murder which happened today at 07:00 hours in Nakonde.

He said the incident was reported by Isaac Chapolokio a ZESCO employee that his workmate Mr Bwalya died after being allegedly murdered by his wife Nakaonga

“Susan Namuchimba who is the elder sister to the deceased’s wife told police that her sister has been married to the deceased since 2016 which is about five years now and had three children .She explained that just after a year of her sister being in marriage, the couple started having marital disputes, a thing which continued despite several attempts to solve the problem,” he said.

Mr Hamoonga said that she explained that yesterday at around 19:00 hours whilst at home, she saw the couple coming from the market going to their house and her brother in law , the now the deceased was in a drunken state.

“At around 21:00 hours, she over heard the couple fighting and she rushed to go and stop them .She further explained that upon reaching the house, she found the couple outside the house and the deceased was lying on the ground while her sister was seated by the door .She stated that her attention went to her sister who was bleeding as there were no visible injuries on the deceased,” he said.

He said that the suspects sister also explained that she saw a deep cut on the upper lip of her sister, suspected to have been sustained after being beaten by her husband, the now the deceased and that was when she took her sister to the police station to report the matter.

“She was issued with a medical report form and advised to go to the hospital. At around 23:00 hours whilst still at the clinic as her sister was admitted, she saw the deceased being brought to the clinic by his workmates in a critical condition and he was also admitted as well. Unfortunately this morning around 07:00 hours, he passed away and the matter was reported to Nakonde police station,” he said.

He added that police officers rushed to the clinic and found the body of the deceased lying on the bed facing up ward and when it was inspected, he had a swollen right hand and head and it suspected that the deceased was hit on the head by his wife during the fight with a stick.

“The body of the deceased has been posted in the mortuary awaiting postmortem,” he said.

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