A fitness trainer is reported dead after being shot by a police officer for failing to pay for bottled water at Gateway Mall in the capital Lilongwe.

The incident happened on Sunday, August 7, 2022.

According to information at hand, the trainer identified as Chikondi Makawa is reported to have entered the Mall with an intention to buy bottled water but he left before paying heading to the carpark.

The development forced one of the waiters to follow the deceased.

“There was a bit of misunderstanding in regard to the payment and an officer who was not in uniform came at the scene and took out his pistol pointing at him.

“The guy managed to runaway and entered into Acres bar for safety, he removed his clothes and surrendered to the officer with his hands up,” reads part of the statement posted on Gerald Chavez Kampanikiza’s wall.

The post added: “To the shock of many the officer shot him on the chest despite his cooperation and non violent acts.”

The law enforcers are yet to comment on the matter.

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