President Joe Biden shook hands with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer at the White House before appearing to forget the conversation and wait for another handshake.

US President Joe Biden on Tuesday made headlines after he awkwardly stood on the stage waiting for Senator Chuck Schumer to shake his hand, once again.

An awkward video shows Joe Biden seemingly forgetting to have already shaken hands with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and reaching out his hand for a second time.

The US leader, together with other US officials, was the first to be greeted, but after the initial interaction with the Senator, he appears to immediately forget and wait for another handshake.

The video put President Joe Bideŋ on the spot again as it shows the US leader struggling to remember he had already shaken hands with Senator Chuck Schumer.

After a round of applause, Mr Schumer turned backward toward Mr Biden and other US officials, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Once close to Joe Biden, the US Senator appears to reach the US leader’s right hand and then move towards the other officials.

Once all the officials had been greeted, Mr Biden is seen lifting his hand ready to shake hands with the Senator for a second time.

Mr Schumer, who seems not to notice the US President’s second attempt, turned back to the ledger and kicked off his speech.

Joe Biden is then seen moving his hand to touch his chin only as the Senator started to address the audience.

The encounter took place during the signing ceremony of the CHIPS and Science Act in 2022.

Watch Joe Biden hand shake video below :

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