Just few hours of joining the former ruling Peoples Party (PP) Man of God Prophet David Mbewe of Living Word Evangelical Church (LIWEC) has denounced his membership from the party.

In a statement, the Prophet said he resigned from the party for failing to honor their agreement which was that PP must exit in the Tonse Alliance.

Mbewe also claimed that just few hours he joined the PP, he was offered a position in the board chair of a statutory Cooperation which he said it surprised.

According to him, he cannot be part of the cartel called Tonse Alliance hence the resignation form PP.

“The major term was that PP leaves the Tonse Alliance. As it is, I have no option but to side with Malawians. I was surprised that minutes after being welcomed, I was offered a position in the board of a statutory cooperation. I am principled and cannot participate in this cartel.

PP’s spokesperson Ackson Kalaile Banda expressed ignorance of Mbewe’s exit from the party.

Banda said he is waiting for the official communication from Mbewe before he make any comment on the matter.

However, Banda said that there were no strings attached when Mbewe asked to join the party.

Before joining the Tonse Alliance, Mbewe was one of presidential aspirants of the former ruling democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

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