Witchcraft traditionally means the use of magic or supernatural powers to harm others.A practitioner is a witch.

In medieval and early modern Europe, where the term originated, accused witches were usually women who were believed to have attacked their own community, and often to have communed with evil beings.

It was thought witchcraft could be thwarted by protective magic or counter-magic, which could be provided by cunning folk or folk healers. Suspected witches were also intimidated, banished, attacked or killed. Often they would be formally prosecuted and punished, if found guilty or simply believed to be guilty.

European witch-hunts and witch trials in the early modern period led to tens of thousands of executions. In some regions, many of those accused of witchcraft were folk healers or midwives. European belief in witchcraft gradually dwindled during and after the Age of Enlightenment.

Some people don’t understand why people perform witchcraft, but in most cases it all starts when some is jealous of you. So by performing witchcraft they want to block you from prospering because there is a possibility that you have what they don’t have. And in most cases this kind of things are done by people who know you, like your friends, family members and neighbors so those are the people you have to watch out for.

And in most cases the people who are accused of witchcraft are black people, because they are the ones who are always exposed in public for doing witchcraft. Some of them were even killed by mob justice after they find them performing witchcraft. That’s is why people becomes shocked after hearing or seeing that a white person perform witchcraft.

A video of a white man opening something that’s wrapped in something that looks like a stone. Inside that thing there is a picture of a person and that person is a white person.

After watching this video, people who have an idea of what is happening on the video, are saying this is a curse whoever did this was putting a curse on the person on the picture. But the good thing is that the curse was broken the minute that thing was opened so now that curse will go back to its owner so whoever did that will die, or will go crazy.

People are heartless imagine going to a witch doctor just to pay someone so that someone else can suffer. We have people today, who are sick but can’t get healed, while others can’t find a job because of such things. This is not fair honestly, now they will feel the pain that the person felt all these years after they did what they did.


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