Malawi’s jazz and performing artist Code Sangala has triggered sweet old memories with his recent single Bekeshu off his third album which will be released next year.

Being an authentic musician, the Kwathu nku Ndirande hit maker said the song is one way of appreciating simple life that existed before the coming in of the internet and social media.

Bekeshu is a song that just celebrate simple life. You know before Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter, people never used to worry about ‘oh my god I’ve got a thousand likes, if I could just get to two thousand likes in just two seconds’ people were so happy,” the former big brother Africa housemate said.

Code (Center) at Malawi Music

According to Sangala, social media has almost become like modern day slavery and people have forgotten to be happy, he continued that people are dressing funny, they have placed their outward beauty in filters and the like.

Sangala added that his recent single is a reminder of how girls back in the days used to celebrate moonlight.

“Bekeshu, although it’s using Bekeshu as game that girls used to play back in the days, it’s a story of how girls back in our time used to celebrate moonlight,” he said.

He continued; “So when there is a moonlight girls would come around and there songs which they used to sing as they dance in jovial.”

Sangala who believes in uniqueness of art and talent, urged the youngsters to focus on being real when it comes to music instead of copying what others are already doing.

Code; Something big is coming

He stressed that Malawian artist have the potential of putting the country on the map by producing and making music that shows the uniqueness of Malawian culture.

Sangala with his five member band The Tribe is managing a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Music Against Malaria which is advocating the fight against malaria through music.

Being a survivor of malaria, Sangala, said it is sad that people do not take the disease seriously despite the fact that a lot of people are dying from the disease, hence a move to use his art and spread awareness on the same.

You can find Sangala’s Bekeshu on>>>

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