Bishop of Karonga Diocese, Father Dr Martin Mtumbuka has urged the people of Rumphi to vote out all those leaders who have failed to bring developments in their areas and national level.

Mtumbuka was speaking in Rumphi on Sunday this week.

He said it is uncalled for for people in this age to fail access good roads, quality health services, learners walking long distance to seek education,clean water among others.

“You people of Njarayamoto ,Chenchenaro and Diyadiya to have basic needs,you need to speak out now. It’s time say enough is enough. For me, I will not support this kind of treatment against fellow Malawians in any part of this country especially here. It’s very disheartening to see that phoka people are living poor lives than animals like elephants and monkeys. We have to break this evil spring now.

“It’s time to evaluate our leaders whom we have chosen in various positions. It pains to see women dying during labour times because of curable diseases in this age. Don’t vote because you know someone. Most of them have failed us and they need to pack and go,” said Mtumbuka.

He further said that of Mulanje, Thyolo and others are crying out daily for their land and that government is listening to them and the people of Phoka and the surrounding areas also need to speak out for development as well.

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