If you watch television for a while, you’ll surely run into the “they sleep in different bedrooms” controversy in a number of films and programs. Due to how frequently this is portrayed in real life, we can start to accept it as the standard. Is sleeping in a different bed from your lover actually normal? What if getting into bed with your lover every night was actually very good for you and your relationship?

Here are 16 key justifications for couples to share a bed:

1. Sharing a bed with your partner reduces depression

Combatting depression requires oxytocin, which is a happy hormone produced by the body. It is scientifically proven that cuddling with a loved one can increase oxytocin production, which leaves you feeling good and helps reduce any lingering feelings of depression.

2. Having your spouse in the same bed with you improves your intimate relationship.

When you share a bed, you have a lot more chances to get intimate with your partner. There are more encounters when you are right next to the person you love, and who wouldn’t want to have a better intimate life?

3. Sleeping together strengthens the immune system.

There is a proven correlation between sharing a bed with your lover and having more sex. Regularly intimate couples had lower occurrences of the common cold and the flu throughout the year, according to researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania. People who engage in sexual activity are known to use their sick days at work less frequently.

4. Sleeping in the same bed improves sleep quality.

According to studies, the average amount of time it takes a person to fall asleep when sleeping close to a loved one is less than 10 minutes. When sleeping alone, it can take up to 20 minutes to fall asleep. The faster you fall asleep, the greater your chances of getting deep and restful sleep. Snuggle up next to your spouse for better sleep.

5. Sharing a bed lessens stress.

When your stress levels are high, nothing beats resting in the arms of the person you love. Your general health will benefit from spending the night cuddling. Stress reduction.

6. Sharing a bed with your partner helps to establish a healthy routine.

7. Sleeping together develops a sense of togetherness or being a team.

8. Sleeping in the same bed as your spouse/partner is comforting.

9. Sharing a bed enhances feelings of safety and security.

10. Sleeping together provides an opportunity for quality time.

11. Enables both partners to be emotionally open.

12. Allows couples to decompress after a long/hard day.

13. Enhances communication.

14. Promotes a sense of happiness and belonging.

15. Develops emotional trust.

16. Strengthens the bonds of commitment.

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