A 29-year-old man has been arrested in Bulawayo on allegations of deliberately running over and killing his wife with a truck during a domestic dispute on Friday and then trying to cover up by pretending she had been killed by an unknown car in a hit-and-run accident.

Tendai Tigere Gondo is alleged to have made a false report to the police that his wife, Sanele Ndlovu (21), had been hit by an unknown car that did not stop.

But police investigations revealed that Gondo was allegedly lying, leading to his arrest two days later on Sunday on murder charges.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said Ms Ndlovu was killed along Chaplain Road in Khumalo, Bulawayo.

Police in Mazowe are investigating a killing on Saturday at Jumbo Mine after an illegal miner, named only as Avon, was fatally stabbed in the thigh with an unidentified sharp object by members of a rival group while illegally mining gold.

Some of the suspects were only identified as Black, Prosper, Madhinda, Morgan, Ever and Sistone, Asst Comm Nyathi said.

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